Gently relaxed

Wild Mountain Lavender organic wild crop Grand Cru, essential oil

A rare treasure and a speciality of farfalla. Wild lavender, which grows between 900 and 1600 metres, is a small and insignificant plant compared to the cultivated variety, but yields the finest quality of lavender essential oil. The intense sun and hardy growing conditions give this essential oil its enormous potency and sweet-spicy aroma. The harvest is extremely arduous: our organic farmers cover large distances in trackless mountain terrain. Labeled in German and French only

CHF 14.90
Including VAT, excluding delivery charges
CHF 298.00 / 100 ml

Additional information


Quality:kontr. bio-Wildsammlung
Certification:Ecocert, Frankreich/International
plant part:Flowering stem
Extraction:steam distillation
Botanical name:Lavand. angustifolia ssp. angust.
Grand Cru:yes
biochemical specification:linalyl acetate, linalool, lavandulyl acetate


For beneficial room fragrancing and personal aroma care. For information on the therapeutic use of essential oils, please consult respective aromatherapy reference books.


Safety guidelines

When using aromatherapy, especially in sensitive phases of life (children, pregnancy, breastfeeding, senior citizens, pre-existing conditions), consult the relevant literature for the right choice of oil and various application options. Essential oils are strong-smelling substances, so caution is advised if you are prone to migraines or epilepsy, if you have small children, and when scenting rooms occupied by pets. Individual components can be irritating to the skin, so always dilute the oils and avoid contact with the eyes and mucous membranes.

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Ethnobotanische Duftreise: Frankreich

Ethnobotanische Duftreise: Frankreich

Duftpflanze: Wilder Berglavendel
Anbaugebiet: Cevennen, Frankreich
Anbaupartner seit: ca. 1987

Client ratings

Bergwind | May 19, 2021

Der wilde Berglavendel ist mein absolutes Lieblingsöl. Kein anderes Lavendelöl ist qualitativ so toll. Ich durfte das Anbauprojekt im Rahmen einer Duftreise besuchen. Wunderbar. Der wild wachsende Lavendel wird in mit viel Aufwand in einem wilden, unberührten Gebiet von einer Frauengruppe mit Sicheln und Tücher gepflückt. Das ist sicher die Erklärung für die wunderbare Qualität.

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