the farfalla Midwife Grant
We give babies all over the world a healthy start in life!
When we hear stories of women working for our cooperatives in Madagascar we realise what is behind the naked figures. In many developing countries almost 1 in 100 mothers still die at birth and often the baby too. Siblings survive without a mother.
In Europe the mortality rate has been greatly reduced thanks to the professional care of the mothers during pregnancy, among other things by well-trained midwives. Still now 1 woman dies out of 10000 at birth. This is a 100 times smaller risk than in the Sahel. The reason: there are not enough midwives in the poorest countries of the world. Especially in rural areas there are no prenatal check-ups for the women and they give birth without any medicinal assistance. A skilled midwife could take care of about 500 pregnancies from the beginning. The survival rate of mother and child could be decisively increased by early diagnosis of complications as well as professional care during and after birth.
We have founded the farfalla midwife grant in order to reduce the maternal mortality rate in the poorest countries of the world in a tangible and direct way. With every farfalla product sold a midwife’s training for several years is financed in especially affected countries. This midwife takes care of mothers and their babies before, during and after the birth. For a healthy start in life – all over the world.
Photos: Greenlamp