To be protected

Mandarine, Little Protecting Star aroma blend

Protected by your little star, you can fly to the sky in your dreams. This wonderful natural aromatic blend with the essential oil of mandarine is balancing and relaxing. Particularly convenient to fall asleep peacefully, enjoy sweet dreams and feel complletely comfortable.

CHF 14.90
Including VAT, excluding delivery charges
CHF 298.00 / 100 ml

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Labeled in German and French only.



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Fühlst du dich eingeengt? Um offen zu sein für positive Impulse und inspirierende Begegnungen ist es manchmal nötig, sich seinen eigenen Persönlichkeitsraum zu sichern und Belastendes nicht allzu nah an sich heranzulassen...

Client ratings

Brita Falk | Sept. 13, 2022

This mixture is very dear to me, it helped my mother to let go of her life. The mixture was my gift for Mothers day, when she was lying in the hospice. "You are protected by angels with this mixture", I told her.(In Dutch the mixture is called "Beschermengel" which means something as "Guardian Angel".
That was very comforting for her. Later, when she was sedated, I went to her once more. I put some of the drops of the mixture in the vaporiser and left her. Five minutes later, she died, protected by the angels of "Schutzsternchen". Thank you very much.....Brita Falk

Lara | Feb. 8, 2022

Eine qualitative Duftmischung die köstlich riecht und zudem eine entspannende, aber nicht schläferige Stimmung zaubert.

Sabine Wiederkehr | May 19, 2021

Sehr feiner, beruhigender, aber auch stimmungserhellender Duft.

Nadja | May 19, 2021

Meine Kinder haben seit mehreren Jahren einen Duftstein im Zimmer. Sie lieben die Schutzsternchen Aromamischung.

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