Sleep well

Gift box Sleep well

Content: 30 ml pillow spray Good night, amethyst. Welcome to the realm of purple dreams! The fragrance of lavender will reliably and gently bring you peace of mind and help you enjoy a restful sleep. The pillow spray consists of relaxing and soothing 100% pure essential oils (lavender, vanilla, bergamot, orange, tonka). Amethysts help to calm the mind and get out of thought spirals. They help dissolve negative energy and plunge you into a deep inner peace. Its violet colour is said to break up blockages and supports restful sleep by processing imbalances through dreams.

CHF 18.90
Including VAT, excluding delivery charges
CHF 63.00 / 100 ml

Additional information




Place amethyst near the bed; spray pillow spray directly on the pillow before going to bed.The amethyst should be discharged regularly or after each direct use on the skin under running water and then, if possible, recharged on an amethyst druse. Caution: Do not place in the sun, otherwise it may fade.

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Schenkst du deinem Schlaf die nötige Aufmerksamkeit? Ausreichender Schlaf ist der unverzichtbare Ladevorgang unseres Körpers, um zu regenerieren und Energiereserven aufzufüllen. Ob Abwehrkraft oder Hautprobleme, ob Stimmung oder Verdauung - erholsamer Schlaf spielt oft eine Schlüsselrolle für unterschiedlichste Gesundheitsthemen. Finde den natürlichen Weg zu gutem Schlaf.

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